How much would you want to pay???

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
...for OEBT - here they are below, these were offered to me to buy for $100. 10G tank, sponge filter and heater as shown, decos, and any shrimp food he has with about 10ish adult shrimp Blond, light, med and dark shrimp the pic on the sponge filter is the dark one I am assuming, unknown if any babies at this time.

Is this worth $100?

I see $10 for the tank, $15 for the moss tree and bamboo looking hideout, heater $8. Everything is polluted with algae...unknown specific substrate $5, and food $5.

OEBT would be around 5. for mixed colors locally. So $50. (Though I did get local ones for 5 each all blues, just lost the guys number :/ Regretting that loss big time.)

So unless there are a bunch of babies I am thinking of offering much less than 100.

What do you AAer shrimp keepers think? What would you pay and what would you think a fair amount to offer? I would like a good discount since they aren't mostly dark and since the tank is i awful condition.

Help me out I need to let him know tomorrow.

I was excited at first but I didn't know anything about what the tank had except for OEBT, after seeing the pics tonight I am disappointed a little.


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I wouldn't pay for that mess personally. Not sure why someone would try to sell a tank in that condition.

I don't know what OEBTs are going for right now, but I'd just google around and use that as an estimate and try to get a better price. Blondes are culls so they shouldn't be factored in at a premium price.
I wouldn't pay for that mess personally. Not sure why someone would try to sell a tank in that condition.

I don't know what OEBTs are going for right now, but I'd just google around and use that as an estimate and try to get a better price. Blondes are culls so they shouldn't be factored in at a premium price.

Student going to college soon. Yes I was really disappointed when I saw the pics. Thank you for your thoughts. Good point on the blondes, though people sell them too.
Not for $100, I would just ask how desperate they are to unload it...Leave your number with a rock bottom price like $40, odds are you will get a call back as less experienced folks are not going to be interested in that mess.
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