How often do you change your water?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 23, 2014
Southern California
I have a planted 5 gallon tank with about ten crystal red shrimp in it (they are really really hard to count!).

I was doing my water change today and it occurred to me that maybe I don't need to do it weekly the way I do my normal tropical fish tank.

How often do you change the water on your shrimp-only tank and vac the gravel? Could I get away with doing it once every two weeks? or maybe once a month?

In the same line: I noticed that after a recent mating dance, one of my females has gotten fat and I'm pretty sure I saw the outline of eggs in her undercarriage when I was watching her swim around.

Presuming any of the eggs survive and hatch: how on earth do you clean a tank with baby shrimp in it?
Hello Two...

As far as water changes are concerned, tanks up to 30 gallons need half the water changed every week. The tanks larger than 30 gallons can normally go two weeks between 50 percent changes.

Gravel vacuuming is up to the tank keeper. Everything under the water will dissolve, so by changing a lot of tank water and changing it often you'll maintain stable water conditions.

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