How often do you feed your fish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 4, 2003
Daytona Beach Fl.
Following the directions on the fish food label is what the manufacturer recommends.

Is it correct or are they just trying to sell fish food?

I feed my fish a flake food that says to feed them twice a day and only the amount that will be eaten in 10 minutes each time.
When I ask at the various pet shops the opinions vary from only feeding them once a week to only once a day!
What is the correct amount and how are you suppose to determine what is correct?

Any answers would be appreciated, Thanks. :?:
I feed my fish twice a day, but only enough that can be eaten in a min or 1-2, anything past that usually gets leftover anyway. I'd recommend doing that... just give em a small amount though, you don't want chubby fish. :mrgreen:
Depends on the fish. My catfish used to get fed only once a week, but most other things get fed once a day around here.
Yeah, that's true, my pleco and cats get fed once every 2-3 days right before I go to bed. lol forgot about that.
Exactly...depends on the fish.

My cichlids get fed every morning and the ropefish get their shrimp pellets at nite.
The community tank also gets fed every morning; the lone cory gets fed every other nite.
Bettas get fed every morning and also a second feeding every other nite; the 5 corys get fed every nite.

I never feed as much as the package recommends either - just one tiny pinch of flake, one or two sinking pellets, or four betta pellets - that's it.

But most importantly, every tank gets a 40% water change and a thorough gravel vac once a week.
I feed my Oscars once in the AM before work and then once in the pm before bed.
I will feed my community fish and bettas every AM.
A lot of times the instructions are designed to sell more of the product. I'm sure your fish would eat all day if you let them! :) Also, the same thing for filter pads. They recommend you change them once a month, which is rubbish. Mine have been running in my tank for 40 days now, and there hasn't been even the SLIGHTEST drop in water flow.

I feed my fish once a day around 7pm, generally what they can eat in around 3 minutes. Every so often I give them a treat in the AM, tubifex, shrimp pellets.

Every day and I skip once a week. I feed the amount that keeps my fish nice and sleek--not too fat and not too skinny.
My adult fish get fed once every other day and my fry once or twice a day (depending on how rushed I am in the morning :roll:).
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