How often to feed fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 18, 2011
I have 6 diamond tetras
4 neon rainbow fish
6 cory peppered catfish
7 neon tetras
1 young bristlrnose pleco
In a 29 gallon

I was feeding them every morning and night. Should I skip a day during the week and not feed them. I was giving them flakes in the morning and pellets at night.
I feed once a day. I personally wouldn't feed more than that but of course there are alot of opinions on this.
I feed my one tank flakes in the mornings and every other day I do frozen bloodworms,freeze dried tubifex worms, frozen adult brine shrimp or live baby brine shrimp. But not everything and one time, one every time before the light turns off.

In the other tank its once a day.Just remember extra food left over creates nitrates and I believe silicates as well but not to sure on that.
I feed once a day, 6 days a week. I skip one day each week. They eat inconsistently in the wild. A day of fasting, even though they'll find some leftovers or microorganisms in the tank, I feel is good for them.
The fish listed here I would feed once daily and give them some variety like once a week bloodworms and boiled or steamed shelled peas. I very seriously doubt with a pleco in the tank if you feed once a day rationally you will have leftovers! Lol! At least I don't in any of my tanks with plecos or loaches they get every little leftover tid bit! :)
With frozen bloodwirms do u put it in the tank frozen. Or thaw it out?
Impulse09 said:
With frozen bloodwirms do u put it in the tank frozen. Or thaw it out?

I thaw first on a napkin or plate and then suck them up in a turkey Baster and then release a few at a time in the tank. that way you can make sure everyone gets their share, otherwise IME one or two fish will try and eat the whole darn thing :)

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