how to care for coolie louch, fire eel

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Fire Eel
(Mastacembelus erthrotaenia)
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Light: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 75-82°F; pH 6.8-7.2; dH 10-15
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 2'
Color Form: Brown
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Southeast Asia
Family: Mastacembelidae

The Fire Eel is a nocturnal predator, and part of the Mastacembelidae family, also referred to as the Spiny Eel family. Members of this family are not true eels. They are elongated, tropical, freshwater fish that have numerous spines preceding the dorsal fin.

Best suited for a larger aquarium, a soft substrate is necessary for this fish. The Fire Eel will often dig in the substrate and bury itself; this may uproot plants and rearrange decorations. A tight lid should be used for any long, slender fish, as they will often try to escape from the aquarium. The Fire Eel should be kept with fish of similar size or larger, and will not tolerate its own kind.

Unfortunately, the breeding habits of the Fire Eel have not been documented.

A carnivore, live foods such as earthworms and black worms should be fed to the Fire Eel. Prepared tablet foods as well as krill and ocean plankton may eventually be accepted.

Ideal tank mates include: Similar "Oddball fish" (miscellaneous fish) with similar care level and aggression.
This is from

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Order: Cypriniformes (carps, minnows, algae eaters, suckers, loaches)

Family: Cobitidae

Scientific Name: Pangio kuhlii

Other Scientific Name(s): Acantophthalmus fasciatus, Cobitis kuhlii, Acanthophthalmus kuhli, Acanthophtalmus kuhli, Acanthophthalmus kuhlii, Pangio fasciatus, Acanthophthalmus kuhlii sumatranus, Pangio sumatrana, Acanthophthalmus sumatranus, Acanthopthalmus semicinctus, Pangio semicinctus, Acanthophthalmus semicinctus, Pangio semicincta, Acanthophthalmus myersi, Pangio myersi

Common Name: Coolie Loach

Other Common Names: Coolie loach

Distribution: Asia: Indonesia (West Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan Timur and Kalimantan Barat in Borneo) and Malay Peninsula at least as far north as Phangnga.

Diet: Omnivorous. They will even come out from hiding during the day for bloodworms and other types of live food.

Temperament: Very peaceful bottom feeders. It is noctural so it will only come out during the day when it is feeding time. The rest of the time it is hiding any place that it can.

Breeding: Difficult to breed. They produce bright green eggs, which are attached to plants near the water surface.
Special Care:

Other Comments: These fish require a well-planted tank with a fine substrate and lots of pebbles and roots to hide among. The Coolie Loach prefers subdued lighting; this can be achieved even in a brightly lit aquarium by a dense planting of low-growing species, such as certain Cryptocorynes, to carpet part of the substrate. Since this loach feeds at night, provide food just before the tank lights are switched off. It is especially fond of small worms. growth from leaves. This species can be a useful addition to a tank overrun with thread algae, being one of the few species that will eat it. It will also consume planarian worms (aquatic flatworms).
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Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
Temperature: 70-75 °F
pH: 5.8-6.4
Max Size: 4 inches
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