How to help lower Nitrates and Brown Algae

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 21, 2004
I've got a 10 G with two Goldfish in it. No matter how many water changes I seem to be doing my nitrates are hanging around 40.

Also brown algae has become a big problem.. should I kill off some of the bacterial colony by replacing the catridge... well let the old one sit in the tank for a couple of weeks than take it out and only use the new one? Just using a whisper HOB filter.. (the kind that doesn't come back on if the power goes out)

Please give me some help :)
What kind of bulb are you using? is your tank in sunlight part of the day?

I'm new at this, but I did switch my stock bulb to something a little beefier and that's when the algae showed up in my tank.. my plants are greener too so it's kind of a necessary evil. I've cut back on the time I leave the light on though and the algae is starting to lessen. and I plan on getting some fish that will eat some of it..
It's an incandescent hood... but we replaced it with two of the compact fluorescent bulbs to rid the yellow tint.. looked nice n blue until the brown stuff came. We bought the bulbs at walmart in the aquarium section... the fluorescent replacements.

We keep our shades closed.. but the bedroom does stay hotter than the living room
wow i have that same problem, only ive had it for a few matter how much i clean it just keeps coming back..i even changed the gravel (After it wouldnt come off the old stuff) and it still came back a few weeks later..i dont overfeed, i dont keep the flourescent light on too long, and its never in the sunlight.. *sigh* :cry:
I have 2 goldies ina 10 too (small ones still, upgrading soon). Goldies produce a lot of waste & it can be a PITA to keep nitrates down.

I have kept plants (hornwort) with the goldies. I've noticed that as the plants multiply, my problems with algae & nitrates decreases. Currently I have well over 50 stems of hornwort (they grow like weeds), and I can keep nitrates to less than 10 with 20% water change weekly. And no major algae problems for last month (touch wood)!!
Brown algae usually shows up early in the establishment of a tank. Its actually not a true algae, but diatoms. It doesn't need sunlight (no chlorophyll) and supposedly higher light levels will reduce the amount of brown algae, but thats never worked for me. I think it basically comes with the territory. Otos will eat it, and I discovered my angelfish fry thought it was fabulous LOL I find as the green algae takes hold, the brown algae reduces greatly.

As for the nitrate levels noteworthy, tis the bane of goldfish keeping. They are extremely messy, not only in terms of redecorating tanks ;) but the amount of food they miss as well as the amount of ammonia they produce during respiration. DON'T kill off any bacteria; it will only increase the amount of nitrogenous waste. Its the amount of ammonia that needs to be reduced, as that is turned into nitrites which is turned into nitrates. If you remove enough good bacteria, you'll wind up with a deadly ammonia spike. Its best just to rinse the cartridge out in the water your taken out during a change. The tank water will keep from killing the good bacteria. I don't change mine until they get all ratty, even tho I run biowheels and could change filters every day if I wanted. How often do you water change and how much?
I've been doing a water change every 5 days or so.. about 25%

I did setup this tank about 4 weeks ago
Ok, no surprise on the brown algae/diatoms then, since the tank is just getting established. I find my tanks usually have their diatom explosion around 2 months, although I'm hoping my latest planted tank doesn't go there LOL

And the 25% every 5 days explains the nitrate levels remaining so high. If you are doing exactly 25% say, you would be removing 10ppm of nitrate, leaving 30ppm. 5 days is plenty of time for the nitrate levels to rise back up. Try a 20-25% change every other day and see if that helps in a week or so.
Thanks Allivymar :)

Did some checks on it.

Shows 40 or so on the nitrates after the water change.
About .5 on the Ammonia Test
0 on the nitrite test


should be 0 and 0

my rocks are getting the brown crap on them too.. and gravel vac it doesn't remove the brown stuff

Thanks for the info. one of my goldfish looks happy.. other seems stressed.. the fin is clamped on one.. other is spread open. no other signs of disease... not breathing heavy.. can't see any problems besides my water params

BTW my 29 gallon is absolutely beautiful.... crystal clear and the fish seem happy. Need to check the ammonia soon.. I know it hasn't fully cycled yet.
otos..a whole herd of otos..... you don't have any real aggressives listed
Though since the golds are the problem tank...what they can fit-they eat. pooor otos...heh! but since they are still small enough for a 10 gallon you let 3-4 otos clean there andnthen move them to your larger tank.

Golds and gravel are not the best buds anyway.
Most goldie keepers keep large river stones they can take out and rinse, sand if its planted and of course the ever popular bare bottom. If your golds are growing now one will get distressed first as the surface area oxygen exchange becomes ineffiecient for their demand. Comets grow fast as they are just a step over carp more like koi. What temp are your golds at since I notice a heater..the warmer it is the less oxygen.
Good luck
Temp is staying around 76 but i've turned the heater down all the way.. Guess I just need to unplug it
Unless the heater is not keeping the tank at the temp its set at, don't unplug it. 76 is a fine temp for goldies, and with no heater the tank is susceptible to temp swings.

Keep an eye on those parameters; goldies are pretty tough, but .5 ppm nitrites can still stress a fish and cause immune probs.
One of them took a turn for the worse... he doesn't sink to the bottom but does sit on the bottom... breating heavy.

The other seems to be doing fine. Swimming around with fins open.
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