How to tell the difference Dwarf Sags

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Dwarf Sags or Vals?

I purchased a tank of plants and there are what I thought were dwarf vals, then someone else mentioned maybe Dwarf Sag. So after looking at the picks they seem pretty much the same description.

They trail like crazy on little runners have thin roots, medium green and fairly flat leaves thin and a little narrow at the base widening slightly and narrowing at the end again. Haven't seen any flower stalks like a narrow leaf chain sword. only get 4-6".The one I put in my daughters little Betta tank grew 4 new plantlets connected by runners under the sand in about a month with only diffused natural light. Oh and the Ramshorn snails really like to lay eggs on them!

The rest are just floating and I gave a bunch away. I don't have a picture atm, I will take one.
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