Hygrophila polysperma 'ceylon' fs/ft

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 6, 2009
I trimmed out my 52 this morning and have a good 20 stems of this stuff. Super fast growing low light plant(high light brings out copper tones in leaves closest to light).



$16 shipped.

Vals 2/$5
Swords $2ea
Crypts 2/$5
L. Indica 10/$5

PM with any questions.

Thank you
Small still, I got two big ones that give me about 6 new ones a week, I let them get a few leaves on them as well as thick roots before I remove them to pass them along.

Id say at base they are 1/2" and plume is about 3" maybe 4"

swords are directly below the angel
ahhh. Trying to find someone to sell me large ones for my moms tanks.
ALl plants start small.

I have some EU swords as well, they grow tall. The amazon or whatever they are(bought as melons) I got them around the same size as the ones im trying to get rid of so they dont go to waste maybe 4 months ago. they grow fast pending the right conditions.
Well i am willing to wait but its for my moms tank and she is not. Any good tall species of swords that grow tall and pretty you can reccommend?
Whoa is that cabomba back their how did you get it that tall and how tall are your vals.
That's not camboba. It's limnophila indica.

I would get some from you but I promised myself no more plants until I scape again and until it's cooler so I don't get melted plants like last time....I was so close to having myself a patch of Staurogyne...but noooooo it turned to mush in the mail.

....Actually give me time to think about it can you hold em until the weekend?

I'll take some l. indica and the hygro....maybe. If I can find hygro sunset then it's a different story...

edit: uhh turns out h. polysperma is a noxious weed...I don't feel safe buying it lol.

wow...I don't know what to choose!
Are the vals your selling from the tank there? The tall ones? Because if so i will buy some.

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