I am frustrated and confused.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 8, 2003
Dallas, Tx
I dont know what kind of lighting to put on my tank!! I want to put a MH but I cant find a decent one that will look nice.

btw i have a oceanic 40 gal hex.

what should i do guys!? please help me out! should i get pendant or something? or just some PC's?
Do you have a canopy o is it an open top. What ever you do dont put the pendant right on the glass. It needs to be 6 to 8 inches above it. I had an open top and I have a pentagon somewhat similar tank to you. I ended up going to Lowes and getting a bike rack and mounting it from the wall and then got small black chain and hung the pendant from it. Suprisingly, it looks really good.... I dont have a digital so sorry no photos.
cool! mine is an open top.. i think i might just get a mh pendant.. cause i dont think i can build a canopy nice enough to match the wood on the tank.. its that new OAK wood from oceanic.

what would be some good places to order a mh pendant? i can get a good price on the ballast from ebay.. so all i need is the pendant.

I believe we have the same tank. Mine is the 40 gallon stretch-hex from oceanic in Cherry finish.

I use the JBJ Formosa Deluxe PC light kit. There are two 65 watt bulbs giving me a total of 3.25 watts per gallon.

Did you get a glass top with your tank? Mine came with a glass top, and the JBJ light just sits right on top of the glass.

There is a picture of it in my gallery.

yeah mine came with a glass top as well.. but i dont know if that will be enough lighting for what i am trying to grow.. i will have acro pieces in my tank and i think they need more than 3 wpg? do they sell anything similar to the JBJ Formosa thats more powerful?
I believe there is a manufacturer that makes a 24" kit with 2 96 watt bulbs which would bring you up to 4.8 watts per gallon.

Just not sure who makes such a thing.

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