I can't decide which fixture!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 19, 2011
So I had created a thread asking about lighting and I since scrapped those ideas.

I finally have an opportunity to upgrade from fluorescents.

Anyways my choices are either the Finnex FugeRay Planted Plus or a Current Satellite LED set up.

Both have good reviews so I just wanted some feedback from my trusted AA enthusiasts. :)

The tank is a standard 55 gallon with mostly root feeders and low light plants.
I had the same questions with a 55g. I went with the sat+ figuring if I wanted more light I could always buy a second. I've only had it for a week and my wisteria and hygro are responding very good. I also have a new amazon sword from a tube at petco. I had to clip all but two leaves off and last week it sprouted three new leaves. I have black diamond sand for substrate and dose flourish excel and comp along with root tabs. The downfall of the sat+ is all the features. I no longer use my timer so I can play.
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