I finally held a pleco for the first time.....

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 16, 2006
Ashland KY
As much as the pleco gross's me out with there looks and that sucker mouth, I finally had to pick one up today and it wasn't as bad as I have imagined it would be. I always feared they would thrash around and feel likea cold wet giant slug in your hand or that they could suck on to your skin and scrape the skin off with there scraper thing in there mouth. I know your prolyl laughing your butts off at me, but thats ok. I was at my brothers today hanging out as he cleaned his 55 gallon when his 10 inch pleco flopped out of its bucket we had it in and started going nuts on the hardwood floors. No one else would grab it they all ran around screaming trying to keep the 8 cats they have from eating it LOL So out of nowhere ireached down and grabbed the thing behind its head and held on as it whipped its tail with all its might. It wasn't soft and slimy liek i had thought, kinda rough and dry leathering feeling. I doubt i'll ever have to do that agian, at least i hope not, but it was something I was proud of conquering my fear of LOL
Pretty cool, huh. I've never held one myself, but heard it's better to handle them than it is to net them. Just not sure when I get mine if I ever had to move him, if I would be able to catch it. I guess it comes with time and experience. Good job..... :)
i have only grabbed one once and it wasnt so bad. i always think they can hurt u but they really cant lol. i had the same kind of ideas as u tropicfishman
good to know i'm not alone on the subject matter lol I used to net the 13 inch one i had years ago...in an 8 inch net lol and it was horrible, he always got stuck, i felt sorry for him, but at the time i was to young to drive the 25 miles to the next local fish shop, the petland we had down here carried absolutely nothing in the line of big nets, now we have an awesome pet shop thats really good on everything
I always thought touching a fish was discouraged because of damaging the slime-coat... Not so?
I've held my spotted raphael catfish before. They are very cool to hold. If you turn them over they will stop moving and be completely still (like sharks do). But you also have to be careful of the spikes :lol: (they feel cool even though they are hard and sharp :p ).
CGGorman said:
I always thought touching a fish was discouraged because of damaging the slime-coat... Not so?

In general you shouldn't pet/hold your fish but picking up a fish that is out of water on the floor and being chased by cats wanting to eat it is probably a good idea :lol:
I personally always hand catch my fish. I feel it causes less stress and they are easier to catch then with a net. Never had a loss yet due to that.
I wonder if there is a term for people who are afraid of plecos. I love my little mrs H. but I am really scared of her. I don't think I could hold her in my hands. It doesn't help that when she gets freaked out, there are these little white spikey things that bristle out on the side of her head. I don't know if they are sharp or soft, but I do NOT want to find out. :lol:
its amazing how fish with such head turning looks can be so fun to own, i love the way they glide through water
tropicfishman said:
good to know i'm not alone on the subject matter lol I used to net the 13 inch one i had years ago...in an 8 inch net lol and it was horrible, he always got stuck, i felt sorry for him, but at the time i was to young to drive the 25 miles to the next local fish shop, the petland we had down here carried absolutely nothing in the line of big nets, now we have an awesome pet shop thats really good on everything

That's one of the longest run-on sentences I've ever seen. :)
T.R. pearson is good with run-on sentences too. To catch my pleco, I just turn over and lift up the large flat rock that he hides under. I can lift it completely out of the water and he still won't react.
This thread is kind of funny. I currently have a 6" Sailfin Pleco and when the time comes to transfer him to a bigger tank, I'd assume I'll most likely have to handle him at some point. I'm not afraid of it though. In fact, I would love to just reach in and pick him up. I think he's a very cool looking fish and I'd love to get a closer look at him. :)
I was searching on line to buy fish all of the plecos were being held in the guys hand. I thought it was odd but dismissed it.

-- run-on sentence form --
I now need to move my 11" pleco across town and I would rather reach down into the tank and pluck him out with my hand which I am sure is much better than than splashing around the tank with a bucket and trying to chase him into the bucket with a net.

Should I use the bucket method or catch him by hand?
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