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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
i was at school today and we were working on our picked aquariums we get. I have two tanks because there was 2 left over tanks and ...being the fish addict that I am, I took another lol. I have...a black molly and a guppy fry in one and a female cambodian colored betta in the other. But Mrs. Hahn said we can go out and buy fish or bring in our fish from home and I'm so excited! I'm gonna bring in a couple ADFs, some cory cats, my male black dalmatian molly in to breed with the black molly (we do fish breeding projects) and I'm going to see if I can successfully breed my female, Sasha, with one of the males there because we have a crap load of bettas from the breeding projects last year. My teacher said that I could also give them some of my molly fry that I want to get rid of so that's a plus. But i'm so excited that my fish get to be part of my school work too! they're so awesome......I love the Aggie..... 8O
That is exciting. Just make sure the male molly has more than just Sasha or she may be harrassed to death. Your schools sounds pretty cool.
Sasha is my female betta. Slider is my molly male. I'm gonna have slider breed the black molly that's in the tank and gonna see if Sasha can breed with one of the males we have at school because Stinger hates Sasha and rips her fins EVERYTIME i try to breed them. I might bring in Cookie too cuz then it'll stay with more black coloration than if I had my silver mollies.

It's a class I learn in, today I spent 2 periods just talking about fish, cleaning tanks, feeding the clownfish and stuff like that. We're aquascaping with fake stuff and then creating little community tanks for all them. I'm gonna see also if Sasha will get along with the female betta I have in my other tank.

I have 4 colored days and I have a double one of the colored days, and singles for 2 more and then I dont have it for one day but it's well rotated. I just have my academic classes every day and only 2 switch on me but I have them every day, don't get a break... wish I did x.x lol
so are all the basic academics still offerend at your high school? Like when i was in high school we had to have 4 years of english, 3 years of History, Math, and science. But i took high school math and science when i was in middle school and i took it every year to the highest level i could get so i wound up with 5 of Math and 5 of science, 3 of History, 4 of english, 3 of Business, and 3 of Art (Art and business were my only electives and i guess you could say i took some math and sciences as electives too, but i wanted to be prepared for college))
Andos99 said:
After 5 years in college I can't even remember what I did in high school.

LOL.. i graduated in 2002 so that was only 3 years ago for me! I could still probably tell you the classes ive taken each semester since high school up until now.

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