i got my first real plants!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 6, 2005
im currently doing a fishless cycle in a 29gal tank...a couple of days ago i got my first plants...

1 hygrophila polysperma ( i split it in 3)
1 anubias barteri var. nana
1 echinodorus "red special"
1 cryptocoryne wendtii ( i split it in 2)

i did some research and i came up with that selection because they are low light plants as well as beginners plants...i also read in the planted tank forum that the seachem line is pretty good as far as fertilizer is concerned...so here i go to the lfs pretty sure of the plants that i want and this seachem fertilizer im gonna get...it was quite a surprise to get to the self and realize there are like 10 different seachem fertilizer :roll: ...one is iron one is carbon and so on...so the guy gave me seachem flourish tabs and a bottle of tropica master grow fertilizer (since its the same company where their plants come from)...i havent added anything to the tank yet...he said i can go and exchange them if i decide to get something else...i read somewhere that this seachem flourish tabs are good when you have sand...but if you have gravel then it will dissolve in the water instead of going to the roots...i was wondering if any of you have a good fertilizer that is also fish safe...since im kind of paranoid about adding chemicals to the tank other than dechlor...sorry for the long post and also the wrong forum...i posted it in the planted tank forum 2 days ado with no replies...so maybe somebody can help me here....THANKS!!!
I think the tropica master grow fertilizer will be safe for your fish to add to the tank. Start dosing as soon as you see your plants growing. OR test all water parameters (including iron, potassium, etc.....) and buy all different fertilizers to keep all levels ideal.
My point being: your good with the all round liquid fertilizer. As a beginner I wouldn't worry too much about getting everything exactly right.
I personally use Tetra Liquid plant fertilizer. It does a good job, considering that most of my plants are growing well and look healthy (although I could use more light, but you can't have it all :roll: )

Liquid plant fertilizer will not harm your fish. I think the flourish tabs will not do that either, but they will be of little use if what you say is true and they dissolve in water before reaching the roots when using gravel.

Good luck! HTH!
thanks for the help!!! ill wait till my plants start growing (hopefully they wont die) to add the liquid fertilizer....thanks again... :mrgreen:
The whole idea of beginner plants is so all the levels don't have to be precise. Although I have got fertilisers (Flourish, Excel and Iron), I've been kinda lazy and don't use them that often :p But other than deaths from lack of light (ie lack of research into the plants I bought from the LFS), all my plants stay alive, but I guess grow at a slower rate...

what I'm saying is don't be overly fussed over chemical levels (and fertilisers) until you start going with delicate plants..
Congratulations on going with a planted tank. I feel that it makes the tank look more natural and is healthier for the fish. I use the Seachem line of plant fertilizers and my suggestion would be to just start out with Seachem Flourish liquid fertilizer and perhaps put some Flourish Tabs near the Echinodorus and the Cryptocoryne. One thing about the Anubias is that these grow best when attached to a rock or log or something. Do not bury the rhizome in your substrate.
Tropica master grow is great. Start with a small daily dose and gradually raise it to get the iron level you want. If you buy the 5 litre bottle from Big Als, it is much, much cheaper. Good luck. :D
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