i has fi$h

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2009
names matt
i'm trying to become a marine biologist
i've had a bunch of tanks
my tankz > yurz
at least they used to be, had to shut em down, college students with 0 income cant afford $150 monthly on electricity alone... haha... now all i have is a 25gal nano

thats all

ps. just need help identifying some crazy lookin worm that hitchhiked into mah tank on sum rokz. where should i post pics/video (iphone ftw) of this beast?

...no its not a bristle worm!
...at least i don't think so...

:icecream:<-- funny
You can post them in whatever ID section you need. Saltwater or Freshwater. You just scroll down until you see manage attachments.
its salt im trying to get the video to upload but idk if its working
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