I have a question about my Fluval...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Well as you have seen in an earlier post my tank set up is not as bad as I thought it was.. I have just another quick question.. My output from my Fluval 404 says to put is above the water line..Why?? What would happen if I just pushed it down below the waterline so I didn't have to hear the waterfall sound? Is there a reason that it is supposed to be above the waterline?? I know that during set up that sound was responsible for numerous RestRoom breaks :)

My output from my Fluval 404 says to put is above the water line..Why?? What would happen if I just pushed it down below the waterline so I didn't have to hear the waterfall sound? Is there a reason that it is supposed to be above the waterline?? I know that during set up that sound was responsible for numerous RestRoom breaks

They tell you that so that you create surface agitation. Helps with gas exchange by keeping the O2 level up and the Co2 level down. If you put it below the water's surface, not only will you not get efficient gas exchange, but you will also notice that with no surface agitation, you will develop a "skin" over the top of the water unless you have a skimmer or overflow helping to break it up. That "skin" is basically organic compounds that have collected on the top of the water.
I have no idea, I've never heard of that, I wouldn't think back siphoning would be an issue on a closed loop like a cannister filter.
I don't think back syphoning would be an issue with a canister as both ends are in the tank. The only drawback would be the detritus will be pushed back into the tank if the flow was reversed.

I would think it more for surface aggitation. Gas exchange occurs at the surface of the water so it must be constantly moving for this to happen. The return does not need to be above the water line for this to work though. It can be just at the water level or in it's place a powerhead can be used instead. As long as the surface water has a good ripple movement, it does not matter what's doing it...

The skimmer will not produce sufficient movement at the surface to provide proper O2 in the water. You will need to use a PH if the canister return pipe is not a good option based on your set up.

Ok I will get a powerhead on my lunch hour... Does that have to be above the waterline as well?? My wife and I are just not to crazy about the trickle sound.. that is why we got the Fluval over the Penguins..


No, the powerhead doesn't need to be above the water. It just needs to be positioned so that its current breaks the waters surface. I have my power heads pointed toward the middle of the front glass of the tank. When the current hits the tank, it goes up and breaks the water's surface.
Same with mine Biggen. The Fluval 404 is powerful enough to break the water tension positioned below the surface if it is pointed up at a very slight angle.
Thanks for the quick answers again.. I will be heading out around noon back to the LFS (I swear I just paid a semesters tuition for his kid) with a 55 gallon and a Fluval 404 any suggestions on what powerhead to get??
Maxijets are the best powerheads out there. That is all I buy. I probably have 5-6 of them. Not all in the tank, but I also use them to mix newly made SW.
My fluval 404's are both below the water line.
I also have air wands suctioned to the bottom of the aquarium with gravel ontop to give a bubble affect. The bubbles break the surface and create extra movement/more aeration for the fish.
I like this affect.
I have the Fluval 304 and the penguin 550 powerhead on my 55 gal. Although, I have Africans and they prefer calmer water, so I've read, this is sufficient current for my tank. I know the 304 produces a lot of current , so the 404 should definitely be plenty in a 55 with the 550, which is penguin's smallest powerhead to my knowledge. The 404 is rated for a 100 gal tank.
pondmom said:
The bubbles break the surface and create extra movement/more aeration for the fish.
I like this affect.
Great idea for FW but will be ineffective for Doan's SW set up. Bubbles do not provide enough surface movement to properly exchange CO2 for O2

cage2321 said:
so the 404 should definitely be plenty in a 55 with the 550, which is penguin's smallest powerhead to my knowledge. The 404 is rated for a 100 gal tank.
Keep in mind that most manufacturers rate their filters while empty. Once media is added and return head pressure is calculated, the flow will be reduced by as much as a third. In a SW tank, canisters can be used effectively but the flow is inadequate and must be supplimented with PH's.

That said I comepletely agree on the Maxi-jets (y)

Keep in mind that most manufacturers rate their filters while empty.

That is good information to know, Steve. I had no idea but now that I think about it, it makes sense.

Ahhhh now it is starting to make sense.. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why the output on the 340gph fluval was nowhere near as strong as on my 250gph powerhead.

Thank you

I have a 77 gal with a fluval 404, great filter, very versatile. All I have done (I cant handle the sound of splashing water either) is have the output nozzle under water and pointing upward to make "ripples" on the water, this has always worked for me. I dont have any powerheads.
Ok thank you ... I should have plenty of movement now I have the 404 and a 250 gph and a 100gph powerhead (it came with that skimmer I have decided to ditch) I thought I might as well leave the powerhead in there as weak as it may be and it was independent of the skimmer which is now sitting in the basement collecting dust :lol:
I have the return on my Fluval 404 just under the water surface and it works just fine.
I've run it that way for over six months now with no problems.
I also connect me 304 output under water. so far so good. the inlet are connected to a surface skimmer.
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