I have the phosphate results!

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The plant in the 5 gal tank is doing VERY well. The leaves look strong and a nice color green. It looks very healthy. It started to get a line of brown algae in the tank within the past couple of days but I am just going to take that off with the algae sponge today.

The plants in the 10 gal aren't looking all that great. I'll try to take some pics, but the camera just don't show the actual colors of the plants, crappy digital. I have the tank on a timer now, and today I bought a new algae scrubber and took all the algae off of the tank without it ripping off any of the seals (big problem before). It's an algae sponge and it just wiped all of the green hard stuck on algae off of the 29 gal and took the brown right off the 10 gal. But today I also took out a couple strands of hair algae. This tank just isn't giving me any breaks. If it's not green algae it's brown, if it's not brown it's hair. I am at my wits end with this tank. I'm VERY tempted to just tear it down when we move and make it a hermit crab tank. At least I won't have any algae. Can anyone think of any reason why the algae is being such an issue in this tank? Ever since it has been setup it's been a pain to deal with.

An t-iasg: I have crypts in the 10 gal tank, do you think they would benefit from something added to the tank? I have all the chemicals that you guys recommended. I am assuming that I will be in for a huge awakening when I plant my 55 gal tank. I am going to try to get at least 2 wpg or more. Not right away when I set it up, but eventually I'd like to upgrade and try keeping some high light plants. The crypts that I have just aren't looking that great. I mean, they are still green, but a few leaves are looking kind of brown. Maybe something is missing in the water? Also, I noticed that I am getting green things on the botom of the tank. Maybe it's the tabs that I put under the plants that are coming up in small pieces? I don't know what it is but I have been vacing it out ever since I planted the tank. Maybe I didn't put them far enough into the sand. Hmmm.
I've read that crypts don't like to be planted in sand. I don't have any experience with them in sand, but I read that somewhere. They will definitely like a root tab. Even for a small crypt, you can put the whole root tab under it. I did try to cut a root tab once and it was as hard as a rock! If you have two crypts up to 6 inches apart, you could put a tab between them. If you cut the root tab, that may be little pieces coming up, or it MAY be affecting your algae blooms. I know that one time, the very first time I accidentally vacced up a root tab and disturbed it, it caused a slight algae bloom.

I have also read to take a new, clean toothbrush and gently wipe the brush over the leaves, and "spin" it to catch the long strands of hair algae.
I put a tab under each plant, not breaking the actual tab. I take it that the tabs break apart in the gravel/sand? That's what it looks like with mine.

The hair algae wasn't on the plants, it was just coming from the sand.
The tabs gradually dissolve and release the nutrients. I gravel vacced too deep once and tons of little green pieces flew around the water and I had some green to brown algae on the sides of the tank for a week or two. I don't know if that caused the algae outbreak, but it seems likely. I have also read not to disturb the root tab or it may cause an algae outbreak. I guess you're letting a bunch of nutrients float around if you disturb it! This is just a guess, but maybe try a different brand of root tab? I know they are expensive, especially if you just got a new box, then you'll want to use them up.

The only time I had thread/hair algae was when my Eclipse 5 hex tank was getting sunlight from 3-5 pm. Since it was late afternoon sun, I didn't think it would do any harm, but then I got tons of long, thin green strands all over everything -- growing off the sides of the tank, from the gravel, draped over the plants -- yuck!
Thanks for your thoughts. We are moving on Friday so the position of the tank will be changing and we'll see how it turns out after the move. BTW- I am using Seachem's tabs.
Thanks. Quick question: What is the easiest way to move with a planted tank? I don't want to tare up roots, but I don't know if 25 lbs of sand plus water is good to move in a 10 gal tank.
BTW- I just checked the phosphate in the 29 gal, and it's down to 2. YIPPIE! It's on its way down. :D
You don't need high nutrient levels in such tiny, low light tanks.
The only thing I put in my 5gallon betta tank is Excel and plain Flourish. I don't bother testing any nutrient levels, and do bi-weekly water changes.
So I should be adding the Excel and Flourish to the tank? I haven't been adding anything at all.
Thanks. Quick question: What is the easiest way to move with a planted tank? I don't want to tare up roots, but I don't know if 25 lbs of sand plus water is good to move in a 10 gal tank.

Can anyone comment on this? I am moving in 3 days and want to make sure I don't kill my plants. The 1 plant in the 5 gal I'm not concerned about beacuse I'm just going to move that thing half full of water.
Maybe start a new thread for that question??? its a bit different then the PO4 results! heading.. Ive never moved a planted tank so Im not going to try to comment on that Q K.. :?
I figured that someone that has responded to the thread would know how to move a planted tank because you all are so knowledgable in the subject. :D But, I'll start a new thread, hopefully someone else will know. Thanks GM.
I have yet to set up my planted tank, Ive just been doing some heavy studying on the subject for the last couple of months.. Hope that doesnt make my advise seem less usefull.. ROFL! :mrgreen:
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