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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 20, 2013
Queensland Australia
It saved me from being sucked into buying an inappropriate fish today!
There was a tank of these stunning little red scats not much more than an inch in diameter. In the back of my mind was the vague recollection of researching those when I wanted to convert one of my tanks to brackish, and read that as they mature they require a full salt tank. But the GUY was telling me how they are bred in freshwater, so are acclimatized to that, that you only need 2 (told him I didn't want a schooling fish). I said they grow about the size of a dinner plate don't they? (Which I would be happy with) but he said oh no they only get (saucer size). I told him I'd need to look more into it before making a decision. So I whip out the old iPhone, and plug in the search term to discover that my vague recollections were spot on. 2x inappropriate $40 fish NOT bought! :whistle:
Good for you! And the fish you did not purchase. Technology is great. I've done that before, but with plants. Especially when a plant is advertised with a light requirement that is different from its actual needs.
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