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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 23, 2006
Northwest Indiana
I just bought an XP2 at PetSmart for $77.00! The in store price was $139.00, you should have seen the expression on the managers face 8O when I asked him if they will honor the price on the web. I think he thought I was going to show him an ad for like $10.00 cheaper.

I would have never thought to take their web price into the store and ask them for the lower price.

Thank you all for teaching me this valuable lesson!
That is the only way to shop at Petsmart for aquarium supplies. The last time I was in there, the cashier said that I am the only one that she knows of that brings the web price in.
I recently did the same thing and got a 50ft python for under $39.00. Sale price at the store was $55.
I have bought 4 filters - 3 xp2's and 1 xp3 from them using the price match over the past year, as well as a bunch of odds and ends like food, medicine, etc. The filters are by far the biggest savings you can get from them.
You can't beat the price at Petsmart on many items. You may be able to find the same thing online but after shipping it's just cheaper to go to Petsmart.

Parents did that for both my filter and heater. They saved a lot.
I just did it too!

XP3 at petsmart, $179
Online price $104

That's $75 - the cashier couldn't believe it

Mine does the price matching. YAY!!!
Did they ask you to pay shipping?

I bought an XP2 and then went back the next week for an XP3 and they wanted to charge me shipping the second time. I put up a good argument I thought and the manager said that he would be right back. Believing that my powers of persuasion had won the day I stood there with this smug look on my face. He came back with a copy of an email in which he got his butt chewed royally. It seems that he sold a similar filter to some person last week and did not charge shipping. I did not have the heart to tell him that it was me the week before. I stopped arguing and paid him the $14.00 they wanted to charge for shipping and still got the XP3 for $118.00.

I was exactly $14.00 less happy but it still was a good deal.
That's nuts! No, they didn't even mention it. Did you get UPS ground or USPS Priority Mail? :lol:

I think I might be a bit overfiltered now. haha
That is exactly what my argument was. I said that if they were going to charge me shipping then they would have to ship it to me. I will not pay for something I am not getting I said. That when you buy on line you are actually buying two items; one is the actual item you are purchasing and the other is the shipping cost to get it to you. I also pointed out that when I pay for shipping, I get something of value for that charge. I felt that he was charging me for something that I was receiving no goods or service for.

I felt I made a great point! Actually I'm glad you brought this up again. I have been meaning to write their corporate to complain about this. I think that is exactly what I will do now.
If you live in california they have to honor their online price. California mandates that any store that sells within the state honor any price that they put online or otherwise would be available to any state resident. One good perk about living in CA is that the laws tend to favor the consumer 100% of the time :D

Had to revive this thread just to state that I did it again.

Filstar XP1 in store price, 109.99
Online price 61.99
Saved another $48, nearly half off.

And no, no shipping charges this time either :lol:
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