I need help identifying this Sword species.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2005
NE ohio
I received this plant as a freebee, if you will, when I purchased some plants off of Ebay.

Originally I thought it was Echinodorus quadricostatus, due to the leaf shape. They are long and thin, but the length has grown to surpass 12 inches now. This sword looks just like Echinodorus quadricostatus, but again, it is too large for that to be the correct species.

I have just recently seperated about 5 plants all together that were going as one.

Please help me out if you can.

Thanks, Randy.

zenkatydid said:
looks like an E. amazonicus to me, but i'm no expert.

That's what I was thinking also. I just needed some confirmation.
I will ditto that. Nice plant, can be kept fairly small with regular pruning, root trimming, or epiphytic, growth.
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