I need help!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2012
So I just got a 55 gallon hexagon fish tank and I wanted to make this a planted aquarium with discus and maybe clown loach

But anyways I am new to planted aquariums and I really need help on setting this up

I am planning on using a sand substrate but I read that under the main substrate I need to put in a layer of some sort of special substrate to help the plants grow??
What do I really need?
And what is a good rule of thumb for lighting? 3 watts per gallon?
Anything else I need?
Please help :)
You can just use sand if that is what you want but will need to use root tabs to fertilize your plants via the roots. Personally I don't think a 55 hex is suitable for discus (not enough swim space) and clown loaches get too large. But you could do Yo-Yo loaches or a group of Kuhli loaches instead.

I'm not good on lighting but the watts per gallon rule doesn't work with today's various lighting types. You may want to start a thread to just ask about what would be suitable lighting on that type tank.

Also your lighting will determine what type of plants you can grow.
Oh ok thank you

What fish do you guys recommend? I just really want big fish so ya any suggestions?
I keep 12 adult angelfish and 3 yo-yo loaches and have no fin nipping issues. But considering the shape of the tank Cory Cats would work really well. You could do two angels, maybe a Honey gourami, then a nice sized school of Cardinal, Rummynose, or Lemon Tetras. Lots of plants and a nice piece of DW and you'd have a nice tank.
Rivercats said:
I keep 12 adult angelfish and 3 yo-yo loaches and have no fin nipping issues. But considering the shape of the tank Cory Cats would work really well. You could do two angels, maybe a Honey gourami, then a nice sized school of Cardinal, Rummynose, or Lemon Tetras. Lots of plants and a nice piece of DW and you'd have a nice tank.

My yoyos nip at anything slow and finny, lol.
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