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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 17, 2012
Tomorow I am buying a 10 gallon tank with 24 black convicts. I have a 55 gallon tank that I guess I will be putting them in soon. When do I put them in? There are about 1 inch now. When do I out them in the 55. Also how do I know which ones will breed and Which ones to get rid of. Lastly, I need steps on how to breed. Any information help! Thanks fish community
You have 22 too many convicts.

In the 55 gallon you will have fry as soon as the fish are mature.

But 24 convicts in a 10g won't work. It won't work in a 55 either. I'd narrow down a group of juveniles to 8 max. You would definitely get a pair or two from that.
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