I need to get this idea shot down

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 21, 2005
Denver, CO
So I'm sitting here looking at my 55 gal tank and I just can't help but be amazed and in awe of my lovely bichir. I mean what a handsom lil devil he is. Then I look over at my two dwarf gouramis and what do you know they are bickering like old maids. I am also not so impressed, but still very much so enjoying my african butterfly fish i got today. He looks like a butler or something. Any way my gouramis are getting moved. I want to give one to a friend and put hte other in my 20 gal. Put the platinum gourami in my 55 gal and get another one of the opposite sex. I still have yet to sex my platinum though. Any way...I got thinking and admiring my bichir some more...what if i got a second one? Is this a bad idea? Someone should tell me its a bad idea before i go out and buy another bichir lol. I almost went out and got another tank today as well it was a 110gal stand and everything dirt cheap...thank god they already sold it. I have MTS like no other, not to mention compulsive fish buying habbits. Well.... yah
i also wanted to double check on if you think my bichir will ever be big enough to eat my butterfly fish. He will sneak up on the gouramis, but never bite at them. Right now he will just bump into the butterfly fish as he recklessly swims about the entire tank like he owns the place. He doesn't really notice him.

Sorry this was so long... but please put my idea to death unless it could work haha. Also let me know whatyou think about the ABF he is 3" right now.
Well Japola44....I hate to tell you this but I won't be able to shoot down your idea of adding a second Polypterus senegalus to your 55 gallon. While because of its relative narrowness a 55 gallon is not the 'ideal' tank for this relatively small (12 inches) species of bichir, it is certainly adequate and you could definitely house a couple of P. senegalus in it.

You don't mention how big your bichir is but unless it is fully grown then it doesn't really pose much of a threat to your African Butterfly Fish at this point. A fully grown ABF makes a good tank-mate even for a fully grown Senegal Bichir.

''he recklessly swims about the entire tank like he owns the place.''
Thats because it doe own the place lol.
Not going to shoot down the idea either the tank should hold another senegal just fine.As joe said its not the ideal tank but it will work -Anne
My bichir is probably 5". I Will have to keep my eye open for an albino bichir ( thats what i really want). Thanks. I think I will just keep my one platinum gourami and not get a second. Hopefully i can get a female butterfly fish to pair up with the one i have now.
Where did you get your albino bichir fruitbat?
I found a place online that sells them and knowing how hardy they are it might be worth it.
The albino variety of P. senegalus is every bit as hardy as its normally-colored bretheren. I got mine from my favorite LFS here in the Dallas area (actually....I've just recently purchased a second one). They're just as easy to keep as a 'normal' P. senegalus.

ok thanks, It has only been recently i even saw p. sengalus at my LFS then again they could have had them before i started going there, but i will have to ask them about albinos, or else order them online. How much did you pay for yours? I have heard of people paying as much as 60 bucks for them. Pretty steep considering i bought my normal one for $6.
The albino varieties don't usually come in to the larger pet chains (like PetCo or PetsMart) and they generally command a higher price than the normally colored Senegal Bichir. $60 is excessive, however. I bought my first one when it was just a little tyke and it cost me $14.99 or something like that. Then my favorite LFS got in a whole tank full of 4 inch albinos that nobody wanted to buy. They ended up giving me a pair for free. Unfortunately, that pair was killed when a heater malfunctioned in their grow-out aquarium and broiled them. The one I just purchased (it is about 6 1/2 inches long) cost me $19.00 but I will admit that my favorite LFS does give me good deals because I help them with their customers (and end up making a few sales for them in the process). They were going to ask $39.00 for it.

I found a supplier online that sells them for around $12 (another one sells them for $7 but they are only 2-3" and any bigger costs $50), but i just hate the idea of not being able to pick my own out or at least seeing them first. My local fish store isnt that great, they carry mostly gouramis, angel and chiclids. When i saw the sengalus' there they only had two. They don't carry many oddities. I will let you know if I ever get one. Having an albino and a normal one would make a lovely tank. :D thanks for your help!
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