I think my fish is going to give birth

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 20, 2005
Calgary AB Canada
I got some fish from a friend and I think one of them is pregnant. I showed hima picture of it and he agrees, however I am not sure when I should put her in an isolation tank to lay the eggs. I have attatched the best picture I could get of her. Any thoughts... Also I am not sure what kind of fish they are, i was told once but have forgotten any ideas.
Is it a platy? I don't know a whole lot about them if it is, but that's what it looks like to me. She looks pretty big, but I know that doesn't help at all. You might want to just search the internet for information, I am pretty sure that's a platy.
That is a platy. It is a live bearing fish and has a tendency to eat their young like most live bearers.


There is a link about them. If you are interested in keeping the young go out and purchase a breeding net/trap. Remove the mother platy right after she has given birth or else she will eat them all!! These fry do start to swim right away. Wait a day or 2 for their yolk sac to be used up and after that you can feed them finely finely finely crushed flake food. Keep the fry in the breeding net/trap until they are not going to fit into the mouths of the other fish.
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