Ich HELP!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 5, 2013
I have a 20 gallon tank and noticed my guppy has some spots on her body. She has been very quiet the last couple days just sitting at the bottom, but still eating ok. She is the only one with these spots. Any suggestions what I should do?
I have a 20 gallon tank and noticed my guppy has some spots on her body. She has been very quiet the last couple days just sitting at the bottom, but still eating ok. She is the only one with these spots. Any suggestions what I should do?

Well, first off sorry that you have ich. :( The first to do would be to diagnose your other fish. Depending on how long your guppy has had it, it may have spread already. You have two options; 1) You separate your guppy from the others and treat it with ich medicine. Keep it away from the aquarium until it clears up. (Making sure to treat the tank as well.
2) Leave the guppy in the tank and treat the whole aquarium together. You can you store bought products or use homemade solutions.
Hope this helps and that your guppy gets better :)
I would raise the temp to 86-88. one degree every thirty minutes. Leave it there until there is no ich for about a week. do gravel vacs every few days and increase aeration.
If its been more than 48 hours, you probably got ick everywhere in the tank... Add aquarium salt + raise the temp; you can also try super ick cure by API, but be careful if you have scaleless fish or invertebrates - use half of the dose.
Clean the tank very good
Turn up the heat
Buy some medicine
Separate the fish that has it from the rest of the tank
Turn your temp up to 86 degrees slowly. Your gonna do water changes ever 2nd(50%)making sure to clean the substrate, decor etc really well...

Take your water level down enough that the water really agitates the surface, you can also add an air stone.

Taking the sick fish out now isn't gonna help anything IMO, your tank has ich by now...


I'd avoid meds of you can... Ich for the most part can often be beaten without meds. I beat Ich in my 75 gallon mixed African cichlid tank with salt, water changes and heat.
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