Ich Problem - Too Late?!?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 5, 2005
LI, New York
I noticed that my beta fish is covered in white spots, on both his head and scales. I have a tetra in the tank as well but it seems unaffected.

I have gradually raised the temperature to 86 degrees f.

I also added some maracide and melafix to the water.

The beta fish has been pretty lethargic for the past few days, and now he has seemed to loose his ability to stay upright, he floats and spins around, sometimes hanging belly up for a minute before it struggles to get back to the upright position. The beta tries to swim and does occasionally.

So my question is, is my beta too far gone to be saved? I have had him for over a year now and am really attatched to him, so anything I can do to save him I will.

Thanks for the help, as usual!
No he is not too far gone, I would stop adding meds esp melafix as bettas don't do well with melafix. Do a water change and add fresh carbon to the filter to remove the meds. When adding new water make sure it is the same temp. Then bump the temps up another degree or two and make sure to have extra aeration or lower the water level a bit. Good luck and keep us posted.
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