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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 29, 2012
flushed four fish in 2 days!! white spots, clouded eyes. not eating. water is fine, all tests normal. 55 gallon, cycled for 2 months before ading fish, tried raising temp and adding salt doesnt seem to work. 2 hob whisper 70 ex. i have done several pwc at about 30 percent and treated water with dechlorinator. i dont want to add medicine thats going to kill all my good bacteria i wanted to cycle properly and dont want to start over. thank you.
Raise the temp to 86 and do a thirty percent water change everyday using a gravel vac. Add aquarium salt not Shure on dosage for that but can tell you later it should say on the package. What is your exact stock and water params.
0 amm,0 nitrites,10-20 nitrates, ph-7.6, 55 gallon with 1 small pleco 1 small catfish, 5 rainbows and 2 tiger barbs. temp is up to 84 and i added salt 1 table spoon for every 5 gallon
Oaky that should help get rid of it keep the temp an 86 for two weeks after the last spots disappear. make Shure not to over feed and to keep close tabs on water params. If the ich is very bad you might have to use meds. The spots should disappear shortly.
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