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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 20, 2012
I have two black phantom tetras with ich and i have been trying to battle this ich but it is hard to get rid of it. Im using Quick Cure how long does it take to cure them they look better but its this is my 3 rd day of treatment and i can still see white spots. What else should i do? Before i started treatment i did a 50% water change and i also clean the decor with boiling water and have currently heat at 82 degrees any advice will be helpful.
Increase heat to 86f and keep heat at this temp for 1-2weeks after you see the last spot of Ich.

This is all that is needed to cure Ich.

Google heat treatment for Ich.

Raise your temp slowly to 88. Add some aquarium salt. Raised heat speeds the ich's life cycle up. Basically the ich attaches to your fish (the host) and feeds on their body slime coating. Once they have been attached for several days they become enlarged to the point where you can see them. (The little white dots) once they get big they then fall off. (this is when they are seceptible to chemicals other stages chemicals can't kill them) after they fall off they float around in your tank for a little and then attach to your substrate, plants, tank walls. Once they attach to one of those places it begins to grow and multiply until the one ich organism explodes into thousands of them. It then reattaches to a host (your fish) and now looks even worse. So now that u knows this it can take a few weeks to completely rid your tank of ich. At 88 degrees the ich can't multiply and will die (there are a few heat resistant strains but that's unlikely) some of the chemicals to treat ich can completely kill your beneficial bacteria in your filter and cause you to have to cycle your tank all over again that's why I suggest the heat and salt method first hope this helps. If you have any questions just ask.
What if i change the water out and clean tank out will that help?
Oh yeah do big water changes and gravel vac your substrate really well every couple of days to suck up any ich that's in there that will help a lot
How much aquarium salt should i use im following what it says on the label which is two tablespoons and how often can i put some in my tank.
I would just add what is recommended on the box and salt doesn't leave the water so you can only add salt when you replace water.
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