Ick in planted tank with GBR and Inverts

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 27, 2011
Albuquerque, NM
Should I just do the heat method since Chems can have adverse affects and or can I use aquarium salt in conjunction?
Depends on how high you take it. GBRs can take the heat, and will probably enjoy it.

Define "Inverts". Snail and shrimp? Just shrimp?
Different plants have different salt tolerances. Some google searching might yield results. Generally speaking though you can salt your tank incrementally until you get an adverses reaction by your plants, then do a water change to reduce it again.

I bet if you googled ich medication and planted tanks you would find something too.
Raise it 2 degrees a day till you hit 86-87 and hold it. Then after day 10 of treatment everything should be clear
Most plants will be fine at those temps. I do not actually know of any fw plants that can't handle those temps (and even more). I have treated for ich successfully with just heat before. Treat asap though, because it is harder to get rid of once it gets completely established.
Just crank the temp right up. By the time the heater heats the water the fish will be use to it. Oh and I found an increase in the ich for the first 3-4 days then it started to fall off the fish. After 10 days it was gone so I kep the temp up for a full two weeks to be on the safe side.
Keep the treatment going for a week after the symptoms disappear. Ich has multiple life stages and you need to kill them all. Just because you con't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. :)
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