ID on plant shipment stow-away?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 10, 2011
About a month ago I ordered some plants for my 29 gallon and a week or two after that I added 12 neon tetras. A few days ago while watching the tetras chase each other I noticed a strange fish hanging out in the watersprite at the top of the tank. I think it might have come in as an egg attached to the plants I ordered. I know it did not come with the tetras.
I have a couple of pictures of it, but they aren't too good as most of the time it hides out in the watersprite and in the back nibbling on the algae growing on the back wall. I've tried feeding it flakes, but it seems to just want to nibble on the algae and watersprite.
It reminds me of a siamese algae eater, but the black line does not extend on to the tail fin and its tail fin is not split.

ignore how washed out and green everything looks in this one, these were taken with me phone, the water's more of a yellow because of the driftwood.

sorry everything's kinda dirty, I just got a new job and they've already got me working doubles D:
Really doesn't look like an oto to me, although it's very hard to see in the pics. Maybe some kind of pencilfish?
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