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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 19, 2012
I bought a 55 gallon tank and these came with it. i have researched online til my head is spinning. think they are african
and now it is all confused. is it a parrot chichlid, a red devil..and a yellow lab and..? there is one more fish in the tank. he appears to be a silvery color..very flatty and thin. he hides all the time and just comes out for a quick peak. I couldnt get a picture.thanks/.I am a newbie and from what I gathered online these mostly are VERY aggresive fish? now what?



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The first fish is a bichir of some sort. The second picture looks like a sailfish pleco.
Second picture is a type of plecostumus( spelling?) and the last pic has a blood parrot in the middle and a yellow lab. I do not see a red devil
lorihallfrisch said:
thankyou all! in your opinions, how will these guys do in a 55 gal?

Imo, I would get arid of the blood parrot they don't mix will with african Cichlids plus it gets big. The dolphin and bumble bee get big and you may want to re home them into a bigger tank or lfs. If it was me I would and I try to stick with under the 6" for a 55 gallon.
+1 on the blood parrot it doesn't belong with your Africans.Also the dolphin will get 8-10" do 55 is too small for him.
The rest I think will be fine and you could add more similar mbuna to your list.
First and third picture are of a Polypterus Senegalus. They get around 8 inches long. They will be ok in a 55 but they are predatory on anything can fit in their mouths. I suggest only one Polypterus at a time, and Senegalus is probably the only one who can manage a 55.
I can guarantee you that it is a correct ID. I have kept many a Polypterus specie. And that is a great link! Check it out. Bichirs (common name for Polypterus) are great fish with the Sengal being one of the most active.

They can go with your Mbuna Cichlids. One main concern for me at least is that the lumbering Bichir may not be quick enough to get his own food.
I am thinking I don't want any of these fish. If they would stay small like they are, fit nicely in a 55 gallon and not eat or rip each other apart I would keep them. The parrot fish is cute, and the dolphin is colorful. Should I do a cl add. ? free or worth anything? would trade for a few angels. would any of these do well w angels?
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lorihallfrisch said:
I am thinking I don't want any of these fish. If they would stay small like they are, fit nicely in a 55 gallon and not eat or rip each other apart I would keep them. The parrot fish is cute, and the dolphin is colorful. Should I do a cl add. ? free or worth anything? would trade for a few angels. would any of these do well w angels?

I mean, you can always but a CraigsList add out. Typically a small Senegal Bichir you can buy for like...$6-8 bucks.
also have an AFRICAN knife fish tank measures out to be a 38 g column which if any of these fish would get along with an angel in a 55 gallon tank? sorry to be such a pain.
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lorihallfrisch said:
also have a knife fish tank measures out to be a 38 g column which if any of these fish would get along with an angel in a 55 gallon tank? sorry to be such a pain.

Knifes need HUGE tanks
its an african knife fish and thanks for the pitbull pleco id..when I looked it up and it doesn't get that big? now all my fish are identified.
after reading on these fish i am surprised I have no real aggression. thanks all for the help
Do you think this will work? rehome the bumble bee...put the blood parrot and one pitbull pleco in with an angel fish, maybe a pair? in a 38 gal column,
and take the new 55 gallon for the yellow lab, the african knife fish, the blue dolphin,the birchir , and a pitbull pleco
if the dolphin gets to large a tank will he need? does this sound like it may work for me?
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