Ideas for fish.

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Apr 14, 2015
Okay so here is what I am looking for.

I have a 20 gallon high tank. I am looking for a good amount of movement in the tank and I want a schooling fish and then one centerpiece fish. I have a couple of live plants, looking to expand on that slowly.

Here is what i am looking for

10 Rasbora Heteromorpha
6 Otos
8-10 Ghost Shrimp
???? Centerpiece fish

Any idea? I was thinking a dwarf gourami but i read that moving schooling fish can stress them out, also i have a noise house with 3 young kids and I read that gouramis are sensitive to noise and can stress them out.

Any ideas?? Suggestions??

Thanks in advance!
I like to keep an open top and I read bettas like to jump. Is that true? I will look into Bolivian ram

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The Bolivian ram seems nice but I am not sure if I can find one where I live.

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All fish have a chance of jumping, but top dwellers (Bettas, gouramis,danios) have a higher probability of jumping. You can also do German blue rams, but I would only recommend those if you have fish keeping experience.
Betta would be a nice centerpiece, or a bolivian ram or two

Betta is a complete hit or miss. Depends on its personality. I would say a dwarf gourami is fine. Mine was in a tank in my living room where the TV is played every afternoon. It never bothered him.


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Hmm good options. Thanks. I think I am between a ram and gourami.

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My problem is I don't trust my local pet shop. I am actually pretty happy with my local Petsmart. I know that they have Dwarf Gouramis but I am unsure about Rams. If they have Rams I will go with them. If not I may just get a single Dwarf Gourami and hopefully its not too stressed with the noise levels in my house. If the Dwarf Gourami does not work out, I may just go with a Ram online.
When I go to my PetSmart I observe ALL the fish in that tank. If one looks like it has a disease like Ich the others likely have it. It's good to pay close attention and quarantine the fish so you don't infect the rest of your tank.


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Petsmart typically keeps the rams with the angelfish of you have trouble finding them. I'm lucky enough that my local Petsmart fish guy is a hardcore fishkeeper. He treats the tanks as his own and is very meticulous. Huge bonus to already having a couple of great LFS nearby.
Petsmart typically keeps the rams with the angelfish of you have trouble finding them. I'm lucky enough that my local Petsmart fish guy is a hardcore fishkeeper. He treats the tanks as his own and is very meticulous. Huge bonus to already having a couple of great LFS nearby.

Same my local petsmart and petco are like that, it's great!
Hmmm I really like the coloration of the German blue ram. I think I will try to get the new of those. So you think the rams will be okay with the fish I proposed?

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Yeah I am only going to get 1. I may be a touch overstocked anyways.

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Wow. My local pet smart has them and they looked great. Nice coloring. I really was thinking of getting one but I am not confident in my water yet. Went there to get a API master kit.

One other question what fish should I start with. I am going to go slow adding them. I was thinking of starting with the otos and shrimp first.

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Personally I would do the Otos last. This give time for the tank to get a tad of algae and biofilm on it that they can graze on besides food you give.


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Great. Just tested my water.

PH 7.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20-40

I should be good to go right?

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