ideas for new 20 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 10, 2008
Wisconsin, USA
Alright, in about a week or so, im going to be getting a brand new 20 gallon for my b-day(hopefully). It will most likley be long unless i want to get a angelfish. I think im just gunna go with fake "real" looking plants so it wont be to hard (im still kind of a :n00b:) I was wondering what I should stock it with. I know for a fact that im getting a BN pleco to help with the algea and possibly some little cories on the bottom, and no ideas about the rest! So any ideas would be helpful, thanks!!
What are some colors you like?

I'm very fond of glass catfish. In my next tank I'm putting in some gold barbs, harlequin rasboras, oto catfish, glass catfish and a dwarf gourami.

I've had white cloud minnows and zebra danios before, they were very pretty when they schooled and they were easy to keep.
I really like the way harlequin rasboras look, maybe a school of those guys. I also want to get 2 male platies because I like them but i dont want any babies swimming around! I've had bad experiences with dwarf gouramis latley with that new desiease thats going around with them :(.
Yeah I was reading about the whole dwarf gourami thing and it bums me out since I really want to add one to my tank. But I might have to think about something else to add as my one showcase fish.

Some of the other fish I've thought about are tetras. Like glowlights, silver tip tetras, black neon tetras. I've even thought about giving neon tetras another try. I just like walking around the fish store to see what I like, then coming home to research to see if they would be a good fit in my tank.
Rummynose tetras also look pretty cool, but i havent seen any rainbow fish in any pet store that i've gone too. Now i just gotta figure out a centerpiece fish. :confused:
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