Identify this crab..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 22, 2005
Fort Worth, TX
This crab hitchhiked along with my ls from the ocean, he has molted twice and loves eating the tiny clams in the sand. Anyone know what kind he is, and if he is safe to keep around?


He may need to live in the ocean and outside the ocean......

I had somebody bring me 2 crabs from the beach. I made them there own tank with like a beach set up. One half sand the other water. Then when I went to Fla a few months later took them all the way back and freed them.... :D
He's been living completely submerged for about 3 weeks now with no problems.

..Sorry about the nasty fingernails, I was digging in the sand. :oops:
I was thinking blue crab as well. I just caught (and ate) about 50 of them in Cedar Key, FL last weekend so I'm pretty familiar with them. That's pretty cool but I think they'll eat just about anything.
LOL! I was thinking the same thing when I first saw it. MMMmmmmm. Blue claws... mmmmm. He'd grow way past what I'd want in my tank if he grew to maturity!
def. blue claw crab like everyone else said, i dont think he's a keeper, you might want to throw him back. I would not want him in my tank when he starts to grow. Take him to a seafood shop and see if you can sell him, JK.
Good to eat, but don't keep it. When we go crabing for blue crabs, sometimes we'll catch some up to 18 inches from claw to claw and I've seen much bigger ones too!
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