Ill Mature Betta, Flesh eating bacteria? long)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 10, 2011
Midwest US
I am at my wits end with our Betta fish. We have had him 3 years. A few weeks ago I thought I saw a white area vertically on the edge of his posterior tail, nearest his distal tail. Then I thought maybe it was always there, and I hadn't really looked hard before:

Fast forward and his tails are being eaten away (on the distal and posterior) and its is getting pretty much flush toward the body of him.

At first I thought this was a fungus and used the jungle fizzy tabs for fungus, his condition only got worse, so I tried the life rescue because I was thinking maybe it is something else. Again this did nothing.

The white area is getting larger and larger and its deformed looking and crusty or raw looking... also there a hole clean through his tail fin, such that only the ray is visible connecting it to the body but not the fin part.

Now I am thinking a bacteria, columnarius or something along those line?

My fish has been eating fine the whole time (4 pellets, twice daily). He has grown into a fairly largely Betta...looks twice the size of the bettas for sale at the pet store.

I have some tetracycline and I'm thinking I should try it. Its just I keep giving him meds and nothing is helping but I think something must be done or he won't live all that much longer.

He is in a 10 gallon tank, his ammonia and nitrites are 0 ppm. That's all I check for. I have live plants in the tank. I put in some new live plants in roughly the same time as the 'white' stuff appeared. Coincidennce perhaps?


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That looks pretty bad. What are your water parameters?
Using so much meds cannot be good for your betta.
Water parameters

Hi, I only test for ammonia and nitrates, they are both at '0'.
From your photos, your aquarium doesn't seem to be planted.
A cycled planted tank should still have some nitrates, and you have zero nitrates, which means your tank is not cycled. Your betta is probably going through fin rot, due to poor water conditions.

I would advice changing out half of your bettas tanks water with temperature matched, dechlorinated water, each day until you see improvement. Coarse, this is what I think would be best.

What are you using to test the water?
Well it isnt heavily planted and not cycled (yet) because this 10 gallon is only about ten days old.. Plus i put in stuff that would best with good bacteria probably ... Anyways, I moved him and his plants from the 1.8 gallon he was in because i felt i could better regulate his water temp, which was definitely not constant as is ideal. I am doing frequent water changes and tests ever since i saw this problem. It is possible he had a high ammonia lets say several weeks ago but not in many weeks so i don't know why this is getting worse.
Oh i am testing with api tubes. I tried to get the full kit since i have the bigger tank. But they didn't have any at the store
Nitrites can be just as harmful as ammonia. You don't have a test for nitrites, so they are probably really high right now, and you wouldn't be able to know. Try and save up some money for the API master kit, that way you can know what is wrong.

I would add carbon to your filter, to take out the meds, then keep doing pwcs, and increase your temperature to 80.
Sorry, just read your last post.
You can order it online for cheaper, especially on amazon.
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