I'm about to go on a shopping spree! What do I need?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 30, 2006
Today the wife and I are visiting fish stores to make a final decision on tank size. It will be either a 38, or a 46-Bow. (I saw a good price on that 46-bow at PetSmart.)

Here is my BigAl's "wishlist", in no particular order. Their website seems to have a great selection and decent prices. However, this is certainly a lot of "stuff". What did I leave out, what can I ditch? (EDIT: I'm not mailordering gravel or decorations, so that is why they are not on the list.)

Air Equipment:
Medium Airstone
Two battery operated air pumps (for power blackouts)
Air check valve
4" bubble wand
20' deluxe tubing
4-outlet air valve w/ mini flow meters
15" flex bubble wall
Rena Air Pump 300
Air pump "tune-up" kit (for some reason they don't carry the filters... I'll have to get those somewhere else)

Rena Filstar XP2
Lustar Hydro-Sponge Filter 3 (as backup and pre-cycled QT/hospital filter) This tank will be in a dining room so I thought a HOB might be a bit noisy.
10 sq. ft Filter Floss
Filter Flow Meter

Tank Equipment:
Digital Thermometer
75-watt submersible heater
100-watt submersible heater (I am getting two heaters to prevent one stuck or dead heater from causing quick disaster.)

Maintenance Equipment:
Mag-Float scrubber (med.)

AP Master Freshwater Test kit
Malachite Green
Aquarium Salt

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Update: No 46-Bow for me. Wife thought it would intrude too far into the dining room. 38Gal it is. (36x12x20)

Everything looks fine, however, if you get concerned about cost at all, the air equipment isn't really necessary for the tank to operate. You could reserve those items for a later purchase.

Other than that, it looks like you will have everything you will need. Good Luck!!!
Make sure your python has all the parts in the bag. I drove over 3 hours to get one and it is missing parts.

That will be a fun trip to the store, have fun!!!
Yep, I just got it setup yesterday, and I am fishless cycling away...

I did decide to get the air equipment, mostly because I like the idea of having backup filtration in the form of a sponge filter.

My experiences setting up:
1) I am having issues with the siphon on the Python leaking. Even if I tighten the heck out of those connections, it still leaks. Possible solution: I have a detaccable faucet; I'll put the whole mess in the bottom of the sink and throw a dishrag over it, keeping the spray from going anywhere.
2) The Rena XP2 is QUIET! With the door to the cabinet shut, you can't hear it at all. The also quiet Rena 100 air pump sounds like a freight train in comparison.
3) Thin wires (electronic thermometer) + access by cats = destroyed wires. Oops.
4) Ammonia is quite possibly the most rank, nasty, nostril-buring substance that does not require a permit to purchase.
5) Prime is a close second.

1) Is the Python itself leaking (where you connect it to the faucet) or is the sink/faucet leaking? I had a problem with the pipes under my sink leaking due to the water pressure. Mine also didn't fit quite right so I went to the hardware store and bought another thing that screws in where the aerator is in the faucet (sorry...don't know the name). I'm not sure why yours is leaking though...can you describe it a little more?
2) Yes, I have to get really close to mine to make sure it is working.
4) I agree. It is some potent stuff. Don't get too close because it will burn your nose. :)
5) Definitely. Prime is some stinky stuff.
I would make one change, don't get the Bio-Stars and get the Ceramic Cylinders instead. The biostars are huge, and can't fit too many in the baskets. I really didn't like them myself and switched to the cylinders.

Also, get this heater and hook to the return line from the XP2.

You could get a spare heater if you like, but this heater is awsome, and will hold the temp extremely stable in that tank. There is also the 300 model, but might be overkill for those tanks.
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