indications of cinide poisoning

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 17, 2003
I'm wondering what the indications of cyanide poisoning are. The last two fish I bought from the LFS have become infected with ich after two weeks of QT. I've followed all specifications on their set up. Any Ideas and indications of cyanide poisoning would be appreciated.

Well, an increased susceptibility to ich infestation would be a side effect of cyanide poisoning due to the damaged immune system. Typical effects of cyanide are unusually bright coloration, fish won't eat and slowly wastes away, and may experience disorientation/difficulty maintaining balance.
sometimes they will eat like pigs and still waste away...because of the internal organs shutting down, they do not make use of the food.
wow this sounds alot like what my yellow long nose butterfly is suffering from. He has had a reoccuring problem with ich and I believe he will succumb to it any day now. I've tryed hyposalination, malachite green, and "quick cure" none have worked. He also hasn't taken food since the day I got him. though he will pick at mussels. I also frequently find him upside down or spinning. I think hes beyond recovery but any suggestions would help.

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