Initial Protein Skimmer Start-Up

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 2, 2005

I have just begun to set-up my 90 gallon saltwater tank with 20 gallon sump. I have added salt to the water (which was purified using a reverse osmosis system) and brought it to the proper specific gravity (1.024-1.026, right?). I have yet to add any type of additive to the water. This has cycled for about 24 hours. I next figured I would turn on my Euro-Reef CS.ES Series protein skimmer, just to check for proper working order. It seemed to be in working order, except that it was producing what could possibly be an excess of bubbles, and rapidly fills the collection cup to the brim with water after several minutes. Is this normal break-in procedure? The only adjustable piece is the outlet pipe, and it is at its lowest height. What should the collection cup look like during normal operation? Any feedback is appreciated.
If your just setting up your tank there is no need for a skimmer right now. THere is nothing to skim. To maybe fix your problem check the water level.
The only things that I have done so far are: add water via a RO/DI system, allow the water to cycle for 2-3 days, and add Oceanic naturual sea salt mix (which has been cycling for 2-3 days also. The water isn't from a city supply, but instead from a well (i'm not sure if that would make a difference).
If the cup is at its lowest, then you should raise it.
The tank is too new to have anythign to skim, so you don't really need to run the skimmer yet.
I believe I also have the same issue, although I believe mine has to do with the fact that I used tap water to start my cycle (suggested by my lfs) and used conditioner to remove the chlorine. I will be using ro/di water for changes. So, my Remora Pro fills the cup instantly upon starting the skimmer.

Assuming it IS the conditioner. What do I do to successfully run my skimmer? Wait until my water changes takes care of the conditioner?

- Skins
Its typically ONLY the conditioners that contain extra junk, like aloe vera, slime coat enhancers, etc.
You only need to be using a dechlorinator if you use tap water. I suggest something like Prime by SeaChem, as it's powerful stuff so it's easier on the wallet if you compared it to something like AmQuel (which is still a good product, just not as concentrated).
Yeah, mine contained slime coat enhancers. I won't be using it again since I'm not going to be using tap water in the future. But, how do I remedy it now so that I can start using my skimmer when my cycle ends and my fish arrive?

I can't even run it now to get it through the break-in period because it foams like crazy and fills the cup with water instantly. Am I without a skimmer for a while?
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