injured bubble coral

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 22, 2003
fort lauderdale, fl
my bubble recently took a tumble and ended up piercing the flesh on two of it's "ribs" they have since turned brown and black and appear dead. will the flesh grow back?
Most likely it will cause it to split.. and grow into 2 corals... most as long as water quality is good should fair pretty good as long as there is no bacterial infection that has set in.. I will let one on the mods jump in and help ya with your coral.. But from my experience the Bubble coral is VERY hardy and it can take alot of abuse... It looks like it is still opening up so thats a good sign..

"ribs" they have since turned brown and black and appear dead. will the flesh grow back?

What has turned black? The "ribs" or the flesh?

Keep an eye out for "brown jelly" the name describes it and you will know it if you see it. the brown jelly will consume the flesh of the entire coral over the course of a couple of days or less. While the coral is trying to repair itself, it is important to feed it, medium sized chunks of meaty foods should do fine (chopped shrimp or silversides or kill, etc...
the tips of the ribs turned black. it's been about a month since it happened.

In that case, there is little danger of brown jelly, the flesh of the coral should have already healed, and you are seeing a black boring algae that has colonized the "ribs" The flesh probably will not be able to retake the area where the algae has gotten a foothold.
well, i can't get it to eat and it's starting to shrink up on the rock. i'm afraid it's dying a slow death. it used to eat like crazy, now nothing! is there anything i can do?
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