Introduced marine salt during partial change

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 9, 2003
I'm using coral marine salt for my marine set-up for months. I intended to buy marine environment 'n' introduced it during my partial water change.
Is that OK ?
I'm not sure I completely understand the question, but if your are gonna change salt brands, I recommend:
1) You test the values of the new salt prior to adding it to your tank, make sure CA, ALK, PH are within acceptable ranges.
2) You match Salinity, temp and PH of the new water with the tank
3) you switch over slowly, smaller water changes than you would normally do.

When I switched salt brands a couple months ago, I increased the frequeny and cut the % in half. ie: I was doing 5g every other week (on a 20G tank), when I switched I did 2.5g every week for a month, then went back to the normal routine.
For those who has been using M.E salt; are they worth to try out?
Does it prove the claims that no other supplements or additives are needed cos they provide the 'miracle bottle'
I've never used it, but have heard decent reports from others, nothing stellar, but not bad either. For what it's worth, unless the tank has very few stoney corals and you do frequent water salt can truthfully make the claim that no other supplaments are necessary.
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