Introducing a second clownfish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 5, 2003
Charleston, SC
Hello all,

I have a 37 gal. FOWLR whose inhabitants include a Sebae Clowfish, Sgt. Maj. Damsel, Yellow Watchman, and a Black Sailfin Goby. I just got the Sebae (been in the tank 2 days) and could kick myself for not buying a second one and making them a pair. Is there any chance to introduce a second Sebae ,and not have the other one bully it, at this point??


I'm not sure if 2 days matters with clowns. My first f. percs. didn't eat for at least 4 or 5 days. They were getting "adjusted". I would venture a guess and say it shouldn't be a problem. But if you introduce the new one and a fight starts then take it out, wait until "night" and rearrange the lr a little and put it in while the tank is dark.
I also bought one and then 2 days later bought another. They seemed to "check" each other out at first and then bonded like twins.....then I put a bubble anemone in the took about 4 days but one of the clowns took to the bubble and now shuns his "old" friend.....they don't fight, but they don't hang together very much anymore. They used to be inseperable.

Get one thats either smaller or much larger. This will speed up your chances of them pairing. The dominant one (the larger) Will become a female. If you buy a very large one it will generally already be a female. If yours is already adult size, get a small juvenile. Good luck.
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