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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 18, 2012
Daytona Beach, Florida
Hi! I have been keeping aquaria for 15 years now, my current set up is a 55 gallon mixed cichlid tank that I "inherited" from a friend. In it are mostly Africans, a couple centrals, a few giant danios and one clown loach. I know that typically you should not mix a lot of them, but they were happily co-habitating when the tank came to me.
I was more than stunned when my friend gave me the tank, as he described it as an African community. Oddly enough, not only do they seem to get along but we have had several spawnings of yellow labs and pink, and calico convicts. Despite the conflicting water demands of the various species.
What led to my joining your sight is the desire to convert one of the many unused tanks stored in my garage into a paludarium, This being something I have very little experience with; though when the kids were younger we did raise tadpoles my son caught in an old 10 gallon and once they fully morphed into frogs we re-released into the same stream he caught them in.
Any help with this project would be appreciated, from anyone....::thanks:
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