Invertabrate for a 10g

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 2, 2012
Im new here so lets get to the point Well I'm wanting some kind of invertebrate that will be good with my mollies,glow light tetra,and Cory cats but I don't know what to get.
How about some Amano shrimp?

Red cherry shrimp might survive, but they could get eaten... and the offspring would certainly be susceptible to becoming a snack.
I'd get amano shrimp too, they were my first shrimp and did fine in my community fish tank.
How meany could I get and would I need eny thang special feed them or would thay just eat the left overs in the tank
They will eat what's left in the tank. You could get 4 or 5 with no issues if you wanted.
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