iPhone app PM question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 15, 2014
When I get a pm in the app on my iphone, there is a time stamp for the message. For a message sent at 515pm it shows a time stamp of 915pm. Is there away to fix this to show correct time? I can't find it in the apps settings.
I think you may need to log in from a PC and change your time display settings under user CP.

I use Tapatalk for Android so I can't say whether it's the same as Tapatalk for iOS, but I didn't see any way in my Tapatalk settings to change time display.
Thanks, I'll have to search around when I get on the computer which isn't often anymore!
No problem, when you get to your PC, look up at the top left corner of the screen, under the AA logo/lionfish. Click user CP, then when you get to that screen, look in the left side bar and find "Edit Options". Click that, then scroll down to where it says Date and Time Options.

Hope that helps!
No worries, let us know if that takes care of it.

My date and time stamps all show up correctly in the app and on PC. Hopefully this will be a fix.
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