is distilled water the same as ro or ro/di water?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 17, 2006
is distilled water the same as ro or ro/di water? and if not is it safe to use distilled water instead?
It is not the same RO/DI is heavily filtered and distilled is the evaporation of boiled water making it pure water ....(I believe I have this right) HTH
both are safe to use in tanks, although RO/DI is much much much cheaper. At my LGS it is 30 cents a gal, Distilled is 1.00 a gallon. HTH
not sure where you are getting your distilled H20 wal-mart carries it for around 50 cents a gallon
meijer. If you bring your own gallon (milk jug), its 30 cents to "refill" it. but if you use their gallons, its 50 cents :-0
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