Is euthanasia ever appropriate?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
Daytona Beach, Florida
This post is related to my last post "Lethargic Oscar", but I thought this topic may deserve it's own thread.

My oscar is in terrible shape- one of his eyes is completely torn up and infected, he can't seem to get over HITH despite all the medications I've been putting in his water, his scales are falling off around his dorsal fin, and he can hardly swim anymore. He hasn't eaten in several days, either.

I don't like watching him suffer any more than he likes suffering himself. My buddy from an LFS said at this point the best thing to do is put him in the lake out back. I know he's not going to make it, but I still feel bad putting him down... what's everybody's opinion on aquatic euthanasia? Is there a humane way to do it?
Euthanasia is controversial and everyone has their own opinion. I personally only euthanise a fish if through my observation I believe the fish is in pain. There aren't any medicines humans have to reduce the pain, ie morphine, so I feel it to be the best not to let the fish suffer.

There are several ways this can be done. A bowl of ice water will shock the fish's system and it will be over in a few minutes. Some people put ice in a bowl of club soda, I think, but please, someone else confirm that, and put it in the freezer. I have heard this numbs the fish so they can't feel any pain as they pass.

I have also heard of people giving the fish one good blow to the head, or simply cutting off the head which will kill the fish instantly. I have never done either, and am not sure I could bring myself to.

There may be other methods out there I am not aware of. If you want more options, I suggest a search on the web. I am sorry to hear about your Oscar, and good luck.
I've read a bunch of posts on this site since I posted my question, and I'm waffling between the clove oil/vodka method and the ice water method. I'll probably end up doing the ice water method, since it's hard for a 19 year old to get vodka in this country... I just really don't want to watch my favorite fish thrashing around in icewater :mad:
I have never heard of the clove oil/vodka method. Would you mind explaining?

You don't have to watch....that's up to you. The one time I had to euthanise a adult angel...I helped me to cry and get my emotions out, but that is just me. I watched when my cat was put to sleep as well...even though that was only a needle....
Of course, I guess it would take a deep bucket pretty full of ice water if your oscar is fully grown, but having to recently euthanize a fish with this method, I can tell you mine did not thrash. I think the effect of the icy cold water must be pretty immediate in terms of shock, and they pass out. I left it in the ice water for quite a while before disposal to make sure it had really died.

I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.
I had to put a severly dropsied goldfish down about a month ago, I had watched her grow for 6 months and tried to help her but in the end I figured it was either watch her slowly die in pain (she was in bad shape from scratching) or put her out quickly.
It was a hard descision to make since she was the first fish I had ever owned and I had taken care of her for nearly 9 years but I feel it was the best thing I could have done for her.

The clove oil/vodka method is very quick and painless.

I think alli knows the exact measurements but i think its 1:4 ml clove oil/vodka solution for each gallon in the bucket your using, I put my 7inch goldie in a 4 gallon with the solution and she was knocked out in seconds, I then transfered her to a 2 litre container and filled with with water from the bucket and ice then put it in the freezer, its basically the freezer method but you knock them out first.

Don't Do the ice box method, its very painful for the fish, breeders tested it and they said the fish thrashed from the ice crystalizing in their blood.
Its sad to be having to even write this but if it will help someone else..then its worth it..My platy( Xiphophorus maculatus) just got dropsy and I had to put it down.... :( ..thanks to the advice on the forum I used 2mml clove oil and 8 mml vodka(to dilute it) and 4ltr water and put her in it and that sent her to sleep immediately and then I deep froze her (r.i.p.)


regards Sonnyfish (Switzerland)
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