Is having a fluorescent strip different than having a bulb?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 16, 2011
Lets say I have a fluorescent strip that is 30W.
So compare with....
Now lets say I also have a fluorescent bulb that is 30W.

So I have about 1 Watt per gallon if I'm using a 30 gallon tank right?
I have a ton of anubias so I'm not worried, except I have a moneywort plant that may need some higher light. I'm wondering, if I just put the light BULB directly over the moneywort, it would get most of the light right? So basically I would be growing it in high light whereas the rest of the tank would get lower light?

Am I wrong in thinking this? Since a fluorescent strip evenly distributes 30W of light throughout because it's a long bulb as opposed to a single bulb you can localize all the light in one area.
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