Is it a bad idea to mix 2 rams?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 27, 2011
Hi everyone. I have a 30 gal tank. I have 3 guppies, 3 glo fish, 4 serpea tetras, 1 pleco, and a 1 german blue ram. I like to get a electric blue ram for my tank. Do u think that the 2 rams will fight each other or nib at my other fish? I have a tond of hiding spots in my tank for them both. I know im adding more to my school to but just want to ask before i decide on what to do? Thanks for all your help ahead of time.
The electric blue ram is a color morph of the german ram.

I am looking at the bio load already in your tank and am concerned about the pleco. The bio load of a pleco is about twice of a similar sized fish. Unless your pleco is something like a clown pleco or a pitbull pleco then you are over your bio load.

Remember they are cichlids and do fight amongst themselves possibly stressing other fish and causing health problems for them as well.
well i have a clown pleco that gets only about 3.5 inchs. But thanks for ur help i decide to add a couple guppies and glow fish instead.
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