Is lead "ribbon" on anacharis safe?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 13, 2006
Delray Beach, FL
I just got some anacharis and they came with these lead ribbons on the bottom to keep them upright in the store tank. Is this safe to keep in with my shrimp and white cloud minnows?
Remove the lead strip and toss. It most likely damaged the stems where they crimped it, so make a fresh cut above where teh strip used to be and you are ready to plant.

(It also may not be lead anymore, but wash your hands anyways!)
it may contain a tiny amout of lead but it isnt pure lead. it is mostly zinc and stuff. lead is far too expensive so be wrapping around the bottom of plants. i unwrap the stem and wrap it a little less tightly and keep it on untill it forms decent roots (unless it came with alot of roots) then i take it off.
My brother (Hashbaz) actually cuts his ribbons into tiny pieces and wraps them around individual stems. That way they don't rot.
i always cut it in half and split the stems that the store gives u becasue they are usually to tight together and the bottoms die. but if u split it seems to do ok.
pwrflpills said:

It's very pliable and used for weighing down so I assume it's lead. Heavy metal baby!

Actully, it's probbly not lead. Most places use I think it's a zink alloy of some kind. Safe for tanks, but not really needed. I just took mine off and planted individually.
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