Is live plants required?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2011
hi i am fairly new to tropical fish keeping , had one yars ago which i got second hand with the fish already in it and i think was more by luck than skill that i kept it as long as i did.
decided to kee them again started off with small tank cycled it with danios etc and now got 120litre tank whaich i inhrited some fish with it.
i am now looking to ad a few more fish and when i have been reading up on each species alo of them say about live plants etc.
liv plants was not something i had considered cos i hve only just mastered getting through the cycling etc. some of the species of fish i already have acording to the info should live in planted tanks, they have don ok so far , what do you guys tink is it absoloutley essential ?
What fish are you talking about?
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sorry have just realised that my computer has sticky keys , little hands , will put my glasses on for reading back next time before i post.
I have 3 x mollys
5 x harlequins
5 x neons
2 x platys
1 x thai angel ( i think thats what its called its see through)
4 x guppys
1 x beta splendour
and one shrimp not sure what it is
5 x danios

I don't think any of those need live plants. Live plants are always beneficial though. There are few fish that I think really need plants, as in they won't do as well without them.
None of them need live, but live has it's benefits.

Some live plants act like a nitrate sponge and help to out compete algae

Live plants look better

Plastic plants and some silk plants can injure your fish.

Live plants look better ;)

Live plants really are not that hard to care for

Live plants look better ;)

Depending on the type of shrimp you have, some eat the dead plant matter, same with snails.

Some livebearers nibble live plants
What were the circumstances when you had fake plants injure fish? I have never seen this happen.
What were the circumstances when you had fake plants injure fish? I have never seen this happen.

If a fish rubs against them, they can rub scales off, they can tear fins, they can catch a gill cover, they can poke eyes, etc

Silks can do the same things (give or take) when the plastic covering the "stem" and veins (if a large leafed plant) becomes brittle and starts cracking.

That is why I got rid of all my fakes and researched real.
Have you actually seen this? I am sure it is plausible, but it seems extremely unlikely. I can't think of any time I have heard of this actually happening.
Have you actually seen this? I am sure it is plausible, but it seems extremely unlikely. I can't think of any time I have heard of this actually happening.

Yes I've actually seen this. I've lost fish because of this.

One lone fish, a few fake plants, scales missing, holes appearing, fungus sets in. Yeah, not a fun way to lose a fish.

Now, why don't we move on from this and let the OP ask their questions instead of hogging their thread hmmmmmmm?
Hello! Jumping on a thread again lol, what plants would you guys recommend for some guppies and corys?? :-D
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