Is Malachite Green a safe way to cure my Porcupine Puffer?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 20, 2012
Terre Haute, Indiana
My porcupine puffer has white spots on him and Im not sure if its a bacterial infection or if its ich. I put him in my QT tank and used triple sulfa but the spots havent seem to clear up. He seems fine and is eating but the spots havent gone away and does not look like any less than when I put him in before.
As long as he's in the qt tank I'd just keep an eye on him for now . If he gets more spots its probable ich.Puffers are sensitive to copper but you can use cupramine with puffers because it not a harsh form of copper.Make sure you follow the directions and you'll need a copper test kit to make sure you have the proper dosage API, seachem, or salifert will work.
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